Friday, October 26, 2012

#5. Actualization of the term "Work Week"

It's that time, friends. It's Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday and the next day, Sunday.
For the very first time in this girl's life as a woman I have a Work Week.

I am done working at the same time each day with evenings free to fill with any activity I choose. 
Well, within financial and dog-owning bounds. So right now that means walking Lily, dinner, reading, tea, maybe blogging, and continuing to get settled into my room. Ah, the city life, eh? After I get a couple paychecks under my belt I plan to be much more exciting.

I have two entire and whole days with which to do whatever I want, with no shifts to maybe cover.
Again the same qualifiers, but again, soon. Soon.

I have no idea what I'm doing this weekend. Part probably should be spent preparing for the Frankenstorm that is projected to hit us early next week. Combination Hurricane Sandy and possible winter-weather storm. For some reason it never registered in my mind just how near the ocean I am living. That's exciting come summertime. Not exciting right now.

Bigger than Frankenstorm: Max came downstairs and drew a picture with Ella and I today!

I don't remember what prompted this, but I made an origami picture frame for Ella. Then I made one for Max which I gave to him when he came through the kitchen, making his normal rounds just to take a break from reading. He seemed really pleased with it. His expressions are so subtle.

I made another for Ella at her mom's prompting so she could color it and give it to her aunt who just had surgery. While she was decorating I doodled her name and then Max's. I went upstairs to take it to him and he followed me back down. I invited him to join us and he said okay.

He drew a cow, terribly. He's talented, but pen-and-paper are not his media. He's great at collages according to the fridge door. I think he got frustrated with himself over it and left the table quietly. Ella followed suit. He is after all her older brother and she adores him.

I didn't know this was a significant event until his mom came in the room and told me so. She had even called her husband (via the house intercom system) to come see but he came too late. Evidently this was a rare and exquisite pleasure I didn't know I was enjoying. And I did enjoy it.

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