Tuesday, October 30, 2012

#6. Home.

Breathe. I've been here a week and a half.

I've been searching for a sense of home for the past several days. Instead, this is what I've found: 

+Saturday: Stayed in bed til noon, felt like blech because of it; Waited in line at the gas station to fuel my car before the hurricane; Mentally justified via shaky means walking to Starbucks for coffee; Dissatisfied with the loud atmosphere there but stayed anyway; Had a conversation with a middle-aged Christian guy about being new here and church; Ran two miles (yay!); Decided to try the church he suggested

+Sunday: Got lost on the way to the church; Went to church; Remembered why I don't go to church services; Got lost on the way to a laundromat; Got lost on the way to Target; Left Target with 47 less things than I wanted; Felt brain-dead for the rest of the day but couldn't make myself go to sleep until 2:30am

+Monday: Woke to a phone call from the Mom saying that if I wanted to come in I should come as early as possible in order to avoid Sandy; Hurried and left without exercising my dog; Returned home around 1:30pm; Spent rest of evening stressing and preparing and watching live coverage of the storm; Slept (surprisingly well) in the bathroom of my apartment, piled with necessities, niceties, and dog

+Tue-day: Found out that linoleum is comfortable if an abundance of fleece, quilt, and pillow, and canine are on hand; Went outside to a cold but together world; Went to work, where everyone was testy, tired, and beginning to be bored (not to mention two clogged toilets and one very upset/guilty 11 yr old boy); Came home and followed normal routine. 

I've knitting a headband w/ flower and 1.5 squares of a quilt in the past 3 days. 

I miss Mi Casa (house church). I miss my 3 Spoons family. Did I mention I miss Mi Casa? I miss being an hour from hannaH and Leanne and Lacey. I miss being 2 hours from Lauren Brown and 3 hours from Laura Wise, not to mention the other various members of the LUL Family whose time-distances from me I don't remember. 

I'm just feeling a bit lonely right now I reckon. Out of my element, which is what I wanted and needed, I know. It's just hard to leave someone, someones, and some places where you know you were understood.

And if you're me, feeling understood and trusted and seen is a really, really big deal. I'm not like everyone else and I know it. I don't resent it, but it sure does make transition to a new place that much harder.

Anyway. You should listen to that.

Friday, October 26, 2012

#5. Actualization of the term "Work Week"

It's that time, friends. It's Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday and the next day, Sunday.
For the very first time in this girl's life as a woman I have a Work Week.

I am done working at the same time each day with evenings free to fill with any activity I choose. 
Well, within financial and dog-owning bounds. So right now that means walking Lily, dinner, reading, tea, maybe blogging, and continuing to get settled into my room. Ah, the city life, eh? After I get a couple paychecks under my belt I plan to be much more exciting.

I have two entire and whole days with which to do whatever I want, with no shifts to maybe cover.
Again the same qualifiers, but again, soon. Soon.

I have no idea what I'm doing this weekend. Part probably should be spent preparing for the Frankenstorm that is projected to hit us early next week. Combination Hurricane Sandy and possible winter-weather storm. For some reason it never registered in my mind just how near the ocean I am living. That's exciting come summertime. Not exciting right now.

Bigger than Frankenstorm: Max came downstairs and drew a picture with Ella and I today!

I don't remember what prompted this, but I made an origami picture frame for Ella. Then I made one for Max which I gave to him when he came through the kitchen, making his normal rounds just to take a break from reading. He seemed really pleased with it. His expressions are so subtle.

I made another for Ella at her mom's prompting so she could color it and give it to her aunt who just had surgery. While she was decorating I doodled her name and then Max's. I went upstairs to take it to him and he followed me back down. I invited him to join us and he said okay.

He drew a cow, terribly. He's talented, but pen-and-paper are not his media. He's great at collages according to the fridge door. I think he got frustrated with himself over it and left the table quietly. Ella followed suit. He is after all her older brother and she adores him.

I didn't know this was a significant event until his mom came in the room and told me so. She had even called her husband (via the house intercom system) to come see but he came too late. Evidently this was a rare and exquisite pleasure I didn't know I was enjoying. And I did enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

#4. a Story, a Thank-You, a Verse.

Proverbs 20:24 "A man's steps are from the Lord; how then can man understand his way?"

I don't understand the series of things that have made up my life. It's made for a good story I think. I've also been told by someone (Emily!) that my life would make an awesome sitcom. I tend to agree. My life is erratic and twisting and difficult and fun and beautiful.

I take comfort in knowing that my story is part of a huge story called Redemption.

On a different note, Ella told me a story today of her own volition. Well, kinda. I asked her if anything fun happened at school and she said, "I was almost killed in the parking lot during Fitness!" Elaborate please, child. Ella went on to explain that her class had played a running game that involved twists and turns and zig-zags and that they collided with one another quite frequently. She loves to run. She is so precious and lovely when she's excited and talking. I was surprised by how freely she talked to me. 

Later, after homework, Max, Ella, and I made banana-mango smoothies. By "I" I mean I cut and peeled the mango. That's all. The kids did the rest. What was monumental about this event was the end. Max thanked me for my help, without being prompted by anyone. 

I think this means I'm in! 

I've been invited to an Open House for American's MBA programs in early November. 

(Read: I'm attending an Open House for American's MBA programs in early November. I am unashamed of my taking this invitation as a promising sign that I'll be accepted into their program, my #1 choice btw.)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

#3. First day before my First day.

Today was my first whole day in my apartment, in Maryland.

Today was the day before my first day of work with the family. 

My apartment, in a city next to a city, is bigger than my house in a town, next to a town. But my room is smaller, my bed is smaller and nigh-on impossible to move, and the street light right outside my window is as bright as day. 

I like my roommate (Betty). I like her boyfriend (Michael). Both of them, and her dog, like my dog. Her dog, Rocco, is jealous of Lily at times, but they play well together. And they play a lot, so they will sleep soundly. Every. Night.

Rocco reminds me of Liberty. Our one-time football coach. Our one-time quarterback.
And of Rashad Jennings, who evidently killed it today for Jacksonville.

I will have a second roommate soon. I met her today. She's Korean, and has been in the States for 3 weeks. She's here as part of the language institution and will stay for only 8 months with her sole objective being to learn English. She seems really sweet and I'm excited to explore Rockville and DC with her, since both of us are new to the area. I've forgotten her name though.

I'm very anxious about work tomorrow. I'd be so much more at ease if I were to be alone in the house, to get settled on my own terms and to establish some kind of independent relationship with the kids. However, both parents will be there tomorrow. I understand Jennifer's (mom's) point of view, wanting to ease her kids into it. Maybe it is for the best considering their needs. 

Betty is a researcher at a biotech company. Michael covers University of Maryland sports for Sports Illustrated. Both went to UMD. 

Evidently parking is pretty lax in the complex, so I shouldn't worry too much about it. That's awesome.

And I'm watching a movie with Melissa Joan Hart from 1999 and she's calling someone from a cordless landline with a giant antenna. That's awesome.

Any questions?

Tell me what's unique and crazy about Danny Rocco's visage and I'll send you that Maryland postcard.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

#2. My favorite number.

It isn't Sunday.
But in order to discipline myself and be certain that I keep y'all informed about the life I will be living, my goal is to post at least every Sunday.
This past week was hectic at best.

(T/W/Th)Packed all of my belongings, while still working and exercising my dog and cooking for myself and living and trying to breathe.

(Th)Attended a relaxing get-together put together by my 3 Spoons family on my behalf. I wouldn't have thought it possible at this time last year to miss so much people with whom I'd only worked.

(F)Moved to a gracious and welcoming friend's house at camp (hannaH) with the help of another gracious friend who happened to have a truck at his disposal (Ryan). Worked free-time at camp for a few hours. Cooked for a group of friends. Locked my keys in my car.

(Sa) Worked for a long time on my car. Keys were saved by another gracious and stronger-than-me friend (Clint). Drove to Cashiers for a wedding (Anna & Lanier). Got lost in Cashiers. Made it to the wedding. Celebrated, ate, drank, laughed, danced, said good-byes. Drove back. Got a little lost. Walked dog. Watched a football game (USC/LSU). Slept sweetly.

(Su) Took a breath. One of my most bubbly, loving, and sincere friends came (Katie)!!! Family came!!! Dinner with family. Family left, taking half of my earthly possessions with them. Talked with Katie. Talked with Katie, CeCe, and Matt. Watched a new TV show (Once Upon a Time) with sweet friends (hannaH, Leanne, Kendall, Caleb, Katie, CeCe). Watched a movie (What to Expect When You're Expecting) with Katie and the Ambroses. Sleeeeept.

(M) Einstein's (bagels and coffee) with Katie on the Beehive Porch (overlooking the lovely lake). Goodbye to Ryan, then Katie. Drive to my best Liberty University friend's house (Emily). Walk and talk with her. Go to housechurch, where they surprise me with delicious supper and by making an encouragement tack board. They drew, wrote, and pinned very kind things to a corkboard for me to take to Maryland with me. Goodbyes. Cried when hugged Monica. Drop off dog crate and key to house. Back to LUL. Sleeeep.

(T.oday) Gassed up car. Partook in my last Snow Leopard from The Forest. Packed up remaining belongings. Drove to VA. Delicious food for supper my awesome mom made before she went to work. And now, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Breath.

And this view out the front door of my mom's house:
Right behind that branch, exposed in that mountain, are large and protruding boulders. I love this region of Virginia.

And. Be the first to tell me in the comments why my favorite number is 2 and I'll send you a postcard. Your choice of either this week from Virginia or next week from Maryland.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

D.C. Season, DSeason. #1.

I'm moving to the Washington D.C. metro area in a week and a day.

I'm moving there because I got a job as a nanny/housekeeper for a family made of a mom, dad, and 2 kids. Both children have special needs. The 11-year-old boy has Asperger's and greatly dislikes being asked his opinion. He reads an average of six books a week. The 9-year-old girl had a stroke before/shortly after she was born which affected her right side. She can walk and talk. Her speech is slow and slurred. She just learned to swim 2 weeks ago and plays soccer. 

I got a job there because I'm applying to MBA programs there. American University is my first choice school.

I'm applying to MBA programs there because all the best schools are there, I like that city, I can network much better with millions of people around me, and I want to eventually direct a community center with an after school program. My B.S. is in Counseling and Clinical Research. I know people. I need to know money and numbers and risk analysis.

This is for those I leave temporarily south of me. Whether we've connected via Liberty University, Look Up Lodge, Mi Casa, 3 Spoons, or some combination of these, this is for you. I will be geographically further from you than I have ever been. I wish that distance to be only as the crow flies, not as the heart beats.

I'm finished with my time at 3 Spoons on Thursday at 2pm. 
I'm moving to LUL, with hannaH, from Thursday evening til Tuesday sometime.
Tuesday through Saturday morning I'll be in Virginia, with my family.
Saturday afternoon through...I'll be in Rockville, Maryland, where my apartment is.

This is by far the most frightening move I've ever made. New job, new apartment, new roommates, new state, new culture. I know about 4 people within 1.5 hours of me. I will change that. 

That's the idea, I reckon. To change things.