Wednesday, April 24, 2013

#24. Conveniently, 24.

I turned 24 on Monday. It was probably the least flat-out celebrating I've done in ever. I was mostly recovering and driving and recovering and recovering.

This weekend was Wedding Weekend. Lindsey Gahan is now Lindsey Black and Andrew has a wife. They are individually lovely, fervently in love, and lovely together. They bring out the tenderness and courage in one another, or rather, they enhance it. 

Now I have some tenderness in my shoulders thanks to the knots that've formed from self-imposed stress. I don't think I took a full breath on Sunday until around 10pm, at which point I was asked what it was like to be having a drink with one of my campers. Calm down. He's now my former co-worker and primarily my close friend. 

There are spans of a couple hours that I don't even remember. Even on Saturday. We truly did hit the ground runnin'. 

Oh yes, we. Jim and I. He got put to work almost immediately. Fortunately he was a good sport about it, and his willingness to serve had the added effect of making a deep impression on everyone. Plus he's funny and clever and outgoing and quirky and smart and handsome and tall. Plus (or minus) he came attached to me. He fit in so well there, loved camp's scenery and people, and loved downtown Greenville as soon as he saw it. We decided that it was designed for relaxation and walked through Falls Park before heading an ugly amount of hours north.

He passed the Look Up test. Extravagantly. I was urged again and again to keep him. I reckon I will, if I'm lucky. 

It was brilliantly and poignantly satisfying to see each of my framily (and family) members. I love them more dearly than I can ever express. What a thing it is to know and be known. 

Leftover information:
Job interview Friday morning.
Non-specific plans to go hiking with Aviva (Ella's speech therapist) and her precious baby Maya and her friend Danica. 
Going to meet Jim's family and friends this weekend. 
I have rice, black beans, and green beans as my food supply at the moment. That's it.
I need to go grocery shopping. 
I want the Summer. Soon.
Jim now knows about this space of mind-expression. Poor guy.
I already miss y'all.

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