Sunday, April 14, 2013

#23. Outdoor Adventures.

Maryland finally decided it was Spring, although for about a week it jumped to Summer.

That was fantastic.

But now it's back to Spring and kinda warm during the day and kinda cold during the night.
(I want the Summer back.)

This awesome weather has greatly lightened my mood and darkened my skin. My Chaco tan is already well on its way to being the best one I've yet had.

The weather has also allowed Jim and I to no longer avoid the outdoors. Wednesday I cooked for us at my apartment and then we went for a walk to see what was to be seen. It was definitely barefoot weather, for me at least. The cherry trees in my neighborhood are more lovely than those in D.C. actually. 

I spent a lot of time this week poking and prodding and hinting to the kids that we should go to the park and play. So far I'm the only one interested in this activity. That's not encouraging for when summer hits in earnest. 

Also why I need a different job. I'm thinking about looking into summer camp employment, since that'd be second nature to me. It just makes me really uneasy to realize that for the second time in my life I'd be giving up a fairly stable job for temporary employment with the uncertainty of employment at the end of the season. I'd have to be spending a large amount of my off-time looking for future jobs. 

Which is what I should be doing now. I really hate applications and resumés and emails and all things related to job searches.

Friday I didn't want to go to contra but I did anyway. God showed me I was just being pissy because I think too much and I haven't had a good cry in several months. I went and had a good time as usual. The joviality involved in that night's memory is helped by the fact that Jim kissed me as we parted ways. It was my first kiss.

Saturday I woke up when I felt like it, took Lily to the dog park for a couple hours, read The Chamber of Secrets for a while on a bench afterward with Lily leashed to the arm of it, went running on a course incredibly full of deceptively long hills, ate, was hopeful but disappointed about the possibility of seeing some Northern Lights, watched The Goblet of Fire and didn't cry like I wanted to, watched this and cried like a baby for a long time, and then went to sleep.

A good day I think.

Today, Sunday, I woke up when I wanted to, took Lily to the dog park for a little bit, then Jim and I went hiking on the Appalachian Trail. That's the Ap-puh-latch-un Trail. Jim insists that it's the Ap-puh-lay-shun Trail, but we all know that trail doesn't exist. Then we ate Chipotle which is always a good decision and came back to hang out at my apartment for a while. He and Lily are close friends now. She likes how strong he is and he likes how silly she is. 

Next weekend we'll be traveling to TR for Lindsey and Andrew's wedding and there are loads of emotions wrapped up in that trip for me. Y'all could imagine what they are. You know me.

I'm tired and sleepy. I'm sure I'll see some of you soon, so beautifully soon!

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