Sunday, April 7, 2013

#22. Springing Spring.

This'll be short and sweet because my computer's battery (and mine, for that matter) is about to die.
It's been nearly a month since my last update. Sorry.

Jim and I are still going strong. Last week we talked thoroughly through our beliefs and we're on the same page, praise the Lord.

I really like him.

He's coming to Andrew and Lindsey's wedding with me in a couple of weeks, which is terrifying. That means spending 18 total hours of car time together, and he'll be meeting my mom and brother and my Look Up family all in one jam-packed weekend. 

Bless him.

Today I got a little sunburned. We went to the Cherry Blossom Festival in downtown D.C. and spent about 4.5 hours or so walking around in the glory of the warm sun and not-too-chilly breeze and looking at flowers and monuments and talking a lot. 

A week or two or something after the wedding weekend I'll be traveling to western Maryland with Jim to meet his parents. Gah! I don't think I'll be nervous until I see their house. Then the reality of it will set in and I might die right then.

I'm looking for a different job still, focusing on opportunities closer to my eventual career goal. At the very least I'd like something in the same vein anyway, even if I don't end up sticking with the same organization or what-have-you.

I love love love love not having to wear a jacket outside! Warmth! Hallelujah!

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