Wednesday, January 9, 2013

#14. Parking.

It finally happened. The main office noticed that I've been calling in as a guest parker for the past 2 months. I knew the day would come, but I was hoping against hope it wouldn't. 

Now, instead of free parking, I'll be paying enough to buy the month's groceries to park my car and walking 0.3 miles to my apartment. That is, unless some kind soul in my apartment complex will agree to lend me their space for a gracious lesser amount. 

On a lighter note, today was Ella's birthday. Ten years old! She was so happy and smiley and beautiful. We made cupcakes yesterday for her to take to her classmates (all 8 of them. 24 cupcakes. 8 children. So glad I'm not that teacher.) She decorated them all by herself, which is a significant accomplishment when you consider her one-handedness and how lovely and neat they turned out. Everyone was impressed and Ella was glowing with pride, the kind that's okay. The kind that says growth.

I might be hooked (just slightly so) on, no not phonics, but couponing. I saved $24 at the grocery store yesterday. I might have to get creative with storage because sometimes buying more is cheaper than buying as I need it, but that's worth it since with the new tax stuff I'm losing $36 a month. 

New neighbors are moving in across the hall, one flight down. I met one of them, Sharon. I think we'll be friends, or friendly at the least. I had a full-on, honest-to-goodness conversation with her in the hall today and I just met her. I like her and she understands my Southern dog switching to Northern dog mode. Lily has become skittish of people. I hate that.

I'm trying to run again. I'm scared of getting hurt. Caution is the name of the game here since I have no financial safety net whatsoever if doctor bills become necessary. But I still very much want to run a half-marathon. I just want to. 

Also: Christmas was fantastic. I worked New Year's and spent it trying not to mope about working and not being in Travelers Rest with my dear friends whom I miss terribly. I haven't heard anything from AU yet and the GWU application is due in 5 days. I don't want to finish it. I don't feel good about it, not the "getting in" part but the "want to go there" part. I only want to go to American. Only. 

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