Sunday, November 11, 2012

#8. Sunday already.

This week flew by me. 
I don't think I was particularly busy during the week. Just my normal work schedule, adjusting my AU application, knitting that blanket...

Max didn't have school Monday or Tuesday because of the election. Monday was fine, I watched and questioned him about the video games he played throughout the day. Tuesday, he started getting bored and antsy. 

Wednesday the parents were in DC for most of the day for a post-election forum the Mom had assembled, discussing what effect it would have on healthcare particularly for the elderly, special needs, and Alzheimer's patients. 

Thursday. Ella had a half-day at school. She was VERY excited about that. We played a lot of the afternoon.

Friday Ella didn't have school at all because there were parent-teacher conferences. I attended hers along with the Mom. This meant I started work at 8am and left at 2pm. 

So nice. I still wish I had the normal 8-4ish kind of hours. It's great to have some of the afternoon left when you get home. 

Friday I managed to finally get my dog registered with the city so I can take her to the dog park. I tried to find official parking at my apartment complex. No luck. Now I'm checking into lots around town which could translate into me walking about a mile to get to my car.

Good thing I like walking.

Saturday!! Was great!! Trekked into DC again to meet up with Alena (friends since 6th grade) and two of her roommates for lunch and the Newseum. Yes, a museum of the news.

Alena's the one in the pink. I like her.

Lunch was delectable and French with good coffee. The Newseum was fascinating and heart-rending. A section of the Berlin Wall (it's easy to tell which side faced East and which West). Pulitzer Prize photographs of the despicable side of humanity and an entire lasting exhibit about September 11th. I had never seen some of the newsreels they had playing and I'm glad I didn't see them until now. As a 7th grader? No way could I have handled that.

I love museums. I love history. I love living so near a place chock full of both.

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