Monday, May 13, 2013

#27. The Oddest Thing.

I have a job interview in the morning!   !!!

It's with a Montessori school in D.C. and I'd be a teacher's assistant in their year-round program. The Montessori philosophy of learning and teaching is very close to what I want to have in a community center one day: curiosity-driven and individually-decided. Working with very tiny-ones aging somewhere around kindergarten. That's a new field for me and I'm looking forward to adding those skills to my belt o' knowledge. I was going to say "belt o' weapons" but considering recent events...better not.

Even though I just did. 

I ran my second-ever 5k on Saturday afternoon. It happened to also be my second-ever Color Run, this time in Baltimore. Who knew that city was only 50 minutes from me anyway? Crazy. I ran the whole thing and was definitely not Caucasian when it was over. I would've looked more at home on Pandora (Avatar, anyone? Anyone? Love that movie. Don't care if it's a revamp of Pocahontas because I like that one too.)

Jim and I saw "The Great Gatsby" on Saturday also. I liked it. Not enough to see it again soon, but that's fairly much attributed to it holding true to the book. Don't expect happy. Don't expect good human beings. Expect chaos and glorious colors and motions and music. Leonardo DiCaprio was perfectly attractive and grotesque in the title role. Tobey Maguire's persistent on-screen awkwardness did him a favor in his depiction of Nick Carraway. Depth of character was on the minds of the correct few people. 

We sat on a bench in the park talking until it got too chilly. Repeat on Sunday evening, after which we watched the tail end of the Survivor finale. Malcolm should've made it to the end and won everything but Cochran deserved it as well, on different merits. 

Sunday was a do-nothing day. I read almost an entire Harry Potter book. I sat. I listened to the Yo-Yo Ma station on Pandora (this time the radio website, not the planet) and relaxed. Time was irrelevant and that was beautiful. 

And Jim said "fixin' to" and that was priceless and proof that the South wins life.

The oddest thing happened to me Friday morning. I woke up. I know I was awake. God told me something insightful and clear. I started reveling in it and celebrating the communication. And left. It just left. How does that happen? One second I know know KNOW and the next it was taken from me. It frustrated me all day. I eventually decided that if He wants me to remember or hear it again, He'll make that happen. I kept asking for revelation with no opening-of-doors in answer. I do hope He speaks again soon.

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