Monday, October 7, 2013

#34. Seasonal.

Fall is enjoyable in its own right. Frustrating if you're as low maintenance as I am, but enjoyable.

The crispy air and the crunchy leaves. The smells. The cheaper butternut squash and pumpkin. Not feeling like you've just gone swimming once you step outside.

Fall means thinking in terms of layers. Like I said, I'm low maintenance and having to think about the hot-warm-chilly-cold transitions of Fall days is a bother because I have loads of t-shirts, and only one is long-sleeved. And I always end up pushing the cuffs up to my elbows anyway.

Fall means thinking in terms of layers. Hours are layered onto new/old phases of the sun. This year is layered onto plans for next year. Enjoying the enjoyable bits about Fall is layered onto the ever-encroaching dread of the dreaded Winter.

Darkness and death. Cold and shriveled. Bundled up and contained.

Pop quiz: Which is my least favorite season?

I've already started taking my yearly regimen of "oh no, the sun's gone!" Vitamin D. It helps.

Summer went waaaay too quick, as it always does. My first Maryland summer came and went without a sense of freedom that I'm accustomed to feeling alongside those swampy days. I had fun, but I'm not often in silly situations here. No opportunity to be loud and obnoxious and laugh uproariously in public in large groups. Very few card games. Very few stars.

I did not intend this to be another moody, melancholy post. My apologies. Such is the season.

I was at home this past weekend. My mom had surgery on Friday. I arrived in Elliston at midnight Thursday, we left at 3am to go to UVa, and we left on Saturday somewhere around 11am. We both slept a lot in the past couple of days for our different reasons. She was recovering, I was decompressing.

I got mad about the Mom calling me during the weekend to inform me I needed to make an appointment for her daughter to get her hand brace fitted. Don't care, I'm at home. Set up the freakin' time yourself.

I had a job interview this morning with the Barrie School. I loved it there. Reminds me a little of LUL, even in the ways that the staff interact with one another. Horses, kayaks, garden, dirt and grass and trees. They loved me too and will be calling in a couple days with details about what they might could offer me as far as hours and wages.

Another interview in the morning, on the phone this time, with Springboard Education. I applied to several jobs with them so I don't even know which position I'm being interviewed for! Unless they are simply magnificent, I'll still prefer the other opportunity.

I've been a bum this month. No running. No nothing. I make excuses for my laziness all the time. It took me a while to figure out that my SAD had kicked in a touch early this year.

But I did finish two books this weekend! Reading! Yay! Except...I've been failing at book club. Is it okay for me to say that I just didn't want to? Because I just didn't want to. Maybe because depression, maybe because no-want. I'm a jerkface. What's done is done.

I'll be going to the Renaissance Faire this coming Sunday, for the second time. This time around I'll be sure to eat something before I get anything to drink. Bad, bad idea to have alcohol on an empty stomach. Y'all, all of you, should come along. 'Tis fun. And you can see/meet Jim if you haven't already.

I still like him bunches. I think I'll keep him.

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