Monday, March 11, 2013

#20. New Things, Good and Bad.

It's Monday, not Sunday, and almost not-Monday-anymore.

Yesterday the time changed. Hallelujah. And the weather this weekend left nothing to be desired. Absolutely lovely. 

I've been out with the contra dance guy twice since my last post, aside from seeing/dancing with/talking to him on Fridays at contra.

He's kind and considerate and respectful and cautious and interesting and gentle and decisive and assertive and strong and adventurous and smarter than me. He's great and good and I like him. And he likes me.

This is a new thing, the good side of newness in my life. I've never had a good and decent man actually be interested enough in me to take action concerning his interest. I don't exactly know what I'm doing because I've never been in this place before, but I'm trying to listen to the Spirit (although He's been kinda quiet about it...)

Yesterday we+Lily hiked the Billy Goat trail which is about 4.5 miles round-trip. Let me tell you, it is aptly named and so fun. Then we ate some delicious Chipotle and saw Oz: The Great and Powerful. It was beautifully done and clever. We ended up getting free passes to see another movie later because they accidentally began showing the wrong film, causing our start time to be delayed about 30 minutes. Totally worth it.

I think my favorite things about him are 1) he really is smarter than I am and 2) he takes initiative, gently. The second is hard to explain unless you already know what I mean. I hope you know what I mean. 

The bad side of newness in my life is having to decide what the next step will be. I was not offered admission to George Washington either. Stupid work history. So now I have to decide:
Should I look for full-time employment right now?
Should I stay with this job even though I'd only be staying in order to keep my non-binding word to them of "until next fall"?
Should I apply to the MSOD program at American and hope to edge my way into the MBA?
Should I wait until next season to apply again, this time for Spring admission?

I really don't want to stay with the family for a lot longer. I hate the cleaning. I can deal with everything else honestly, but not the cleaning up after grown people. I have time before I have to decide everything and I have a few issues that are more pressing to consider first (Vehicle Emissions Test, getting taxes done, paying a long-overdue medical bill...) so I'm trying not to worry about it.

Happy almost Spring! Sunshine and warm hooray!

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